Decathlon Empowers Digital Presence with Uberall

  • +0.5

    in Google star rating

  • +394%

    increase in 5-star reviews

  • +58%

    increase in reviews reply rate*

*review reply rate increased from 52% to 82% and 34% of all reviews are being replied to automatically. Period analyzed: March-Aug 2023 vs 2022

The Need

Decathlon Spain, a leading sporting goods retailer, faced the challenge of managing its brand presence efficiently across various online platforms for their many brick and mortar locations.

Collaborating with Uberall proved to be the strategic move that empowered Decathlon Spain to navigate the complexities of the digital world seamlessly.

"At Decathlon, Uberall allows us to optimize many processes in order to improve our positioning and generate digital traffic. In addition, it allows us to have greater visibility and management of the profiles, from which we can extract data as personalized as we want."

Zaira SalidoCustomer Service Department Collaborator - Project Uberall

The Solution

  1. Centralized Platform: Uberall's platform enabled Decathlon Spain to manage its brand information, including business listings, reviews, and ratings, from a single, centralized dashboard.
  2. Review Management: The solution facilitated efficient review management, allowing the Decathlon team to monitor and respond to customer reviews across multiple platforms.
  3. Data Extraction and Analysis: Through Uberall, they were able to extract and analyze data from their various profiles and listings, providing valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviors.

The Impact

The collaboration between Decathlon Spain and Uberall has proved to be a transformative step in optimizing digital processes, improving brand visibility, and enhancing customer engagement. The measurable results, including an increase in Google star rating, a surge in 5-star reviews, and a higher reviews reply rate, underscore the success of this partnership.

Decathlon Spain now stands as a prime example of how businesses can leverage Uberall to navigate the intricacies of the digital landscape and achieve tangible improvements in brand perception and customer satisfaction.

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