


This tutorial will teach you how to manage your clients and their pricing plans through the uberall API.

Common Endpoints

POST /businesses Creates a new business
GET /businesses Search and filter businesses
GET /productplans Gets a list of available product plans
PATCH /businesses/$id Edit details of the given business


You can use POST /businesses and GET /businesses to create new businesses and retrieve them. See "Business/accounts" in the “Sync” tutorial if you need more explanation. Use the identifier field to input your internal identifier. You can then query by your internal identifier like in the following example.
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "privateKey: $privateKey" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 'https://sandbox.uberall.com/api/businesses/?identifier=bus_0000001'

Product plans

Use GET /productplans to get the list of available product plans for your accounts.
curl -X GET 'https://sandbox.uberall.com/api/productplans' -H 'privateKey:$privateKey' -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache'
This is what a productPlan looks like.
  "id": 489,
  "name": "basic",
  "features": [
  "updatedDirectories": [
  "countryPrice": [
      "country": "DE",
      "price": 1500


Upgrading or downgrading works simply by changing the product plan on the business. You can do by using PATCH /businesses/$id request.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" 'https://dev.uberall.com/api/businesses/30899' -X PATCH -d '{
    "productPlan": $planID
}' -H 'privateKey:$privateKey' -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache'